New Possibilities For Semi-Absentee Franchises

What are Semi-Absentee Franchises? Absentee and Semi-absentee franchises are business models designed to be operated by those who don’t want or need to be involved in the day-to-day operations of the business. Instead, they hire a general manager or management team to handle the daily tasks, while the franchisee oversee the larger strategic decisions. This model…

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Will Drew Brees Retire to his Franchises?

Drew Brees, Multi-Brand Franchisee

Debate about the New Orleans Saints loss to the Los Angeles Rams yesterday will likely linger on until the start of next season. Included within that dialog will also be conversation about whether or not the 40 year old Saint’s Quarterback, Drew Brees, will retire.  While most armchair quarterbacks may bet against it, those who…

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